I'm experiencing mixed feelings about the kids going back to school this year. But tomorrow is the day. For my daughter, it should be yet another lovely year of childhood. She's going into second grade. She's smart and feisty, and loves school and her friends. This ought to be a fun year. My ...
Genealogy & Social Media
As the internet offers us more and more places to connect, it can be tricky to determine who you "ought" to follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. There are many recommendations out there - some that are considered staples of social media/the online community in ...
Waning Days
The late summer days are here. In the South and Midwest, school has started. My kids go back next week. Usually, this is a liminal time - of winding up and winding down, simultaneously. Of excitement and sadness. We're at the height of the dog days of summer, but they're tempered by the return ...
Our Meal Plan
Right? RIGHT?! This has been me for my entire adulthood. At least, until last year when my husband and I finally decided to get a handle on meal-planning. If you're the same way, flailing at the grocery store or home about what to eat, here is one way to make it much easier. Create a ...
Climbing Your Family Tree
Everyone has different techniques when it comes to genealogical research. My techniques have ranged from setting aside regular time to research to nonexistent (especially after having a baby). Most genealogists utilize a combination of methods to delve into their family history. I'm not referring to ...
Bedroom Renovations: Part 2
With the first two bedrooms gutted, we started the process of renovating them. First, we installed new wiring and recessed lighting cans. After the county inspector gave the electrical work the green light (which is easy to get when you do it right), we added modern insulation for both the ceiling ...