When you're on a path for a number of years, it's easy to accumulate favorites - things you'd never want to do without. Here are just a few of my favorite witchy things. The first item is one that remains both useful and nostalgic and that is Good Magic by Marina Medici. This is among the first of ...
Baking Crackers
Now that school is in full swing, I've decided that every Monday is a baking day. There was a recipe for Basic Farmhouse Crackers n the June-July 2018 issue of Mary Jane's Farm Magazine (also previously published in their October-November 2009 issue). I just love, love, love this magazine. When ...
Enough for Me
I don't have it all and being among other moms kind of drives that point home for me. Today, especially, I felt the weight of judgment that's probably just a figment of my imagination. It all started Friday night, spending time with people I'm aware are far better off than I am. Actually, it ...
Pickles & Breadcrumbs
No, pickles and bread crumbs don't go together... unless you're making them! Last week, we did our first canning of the season. Year after year, we enjoy a bountiful cucumber harvest. The right ones go into pickles. Which cucumbers are best for pickles? You want the smaller cukes, the ones with ...
DNA Testing: Caveats
Family Tree DNA first began offering direct-to-consumer genetic testing in 2000. After years of reading articles about the success people had with DNA testing for genealogy, I took my first test in 2006. Only a year later in 2007, 23andMe joined the party, and now everyone is doing it. Yet, not ...
Wicca & Witchcraft
Now we come to our final (and a tad belated) post on the topic of vocabulary: Wicca and Witchcraft, Wiccan and Witch... These four words are often used interchangeably, yet do not have the same meanings to everyone. I am fairly particular about these words myself, and must preface this by saying, ...