I'm experiencing mixed feelings about the kids going back to school this year. But tomorrow is the day. For my daughter, it should be yet another lovely year of childhood. She's going into second grade. She's smart and feisty, and loves school and her friends. This ought to be a fun year. My ...
Monday Musings
Our Meal Plan
Right? RIGHT?! This has been me for my entire adulthood. At least, until last year when my husband and I finally decided to get a handle on meal-planning. If you're the same way, flailing at the grocery store or home about what to eat, here is one way to make it much easier. Create a ...
Prettier on the Outside
This incubator of plague and sower of dissent is my daughter. I love her with all my heart, but motherhood isn't easy, no matter how cute the child appears. Sure, plenty of people do tell me she's cute - "So cute!" "How adorable!" "I just love her." "She's no trouble at all." To the outside world, ...
Releasing (or the night Daniel saved me from prom)
Blame the New Year, blame 2020, blame the eclipses, but here's the truth: it's not them, it's me. And I realized I tried to do and be too much last year. Late last year, I started getting headaches, something I don't generally suffer from. I had more sleepless nights than ever, and I lost about ...
Many Things & Not Enough
So I need to write this now or forget entirely. Though there is no forgetting how remiss I've been in giving my blog love. I have this beautiful website and haven't posted in an age. Not that it matters to anyone but me, but I do like sharing, especially when it comes to genealogy and ...
This weekend, my daughter played with one of her classmates and liked the tie-dye shirt he was wearing. She asked if she could buy one and I explained that it's even better to make your own, so guess what we ended up doing on Sunday morning? The stores here don't carry Rit Dye, which was the one ...