I have never been "a New Year's Eve person." Our normal thing was to stay up until midnight - if possible - and play Vigilante 8 on the Nintendo 64. It just sort of became our thing. Other than that, I'd get all worked up about writing out goals. Resolutions, rarely, but goals, always. That was ...
Tasty Tuesday
Corn & Black Bean Burritos
When it comes to food, I'm a by-the-book person. I don't experiment with recipes much, if at all, but I decided to try that tonight and my daughter liked it so much, she finished her dinner before the rest of us! In fact, I didn't expect this to taste so much better than the usual recipe I go by ...
Cookies This Week
While the pretzels I tried to do two weeks ago turned out to be far more work than I'd anticipated, this week's baking was a breeze. We tried these super easy Confetti Cake Batter Cookies. This is an easy recipe that you can knock out quickly. Since you're using a box of cake mix instead of flour, ...
Pretzel Fail
Since I've implemented this baking-every-Monday idea, I've had approximately one success and one failure. For fans of baseball in Boston in the mid-90s, this is about the time we'd accept that the Red Sox had hit that mid-season slump from which there was no return. In fact, when we went to games, ...
Baking Crackers
Now that school is in full swing, I've decided that every Monday is a baking day. There was a recipe for Basic Farmhouse Crackers n the June-July 2018 issue of Mary Jane's Farm Magazine (also previously published in their October-November 2009 issue). I just love, love, love this magazine. When ...