October was such an eventful month, that I’m ready for hibernation. 🙂 I spent as much time as I could gathering petition signatures in hopes of initiating a recall election in the Plattsmouth School District, while also balancing fun Halloween events, gaming sessions, and a little bit of time for myself. I have more to say about the ongoing situation… Read More
July Journal
July was less busy than June, which was nice. Though I still felt like I had quite a bit happening. Part of that is because I don’t think I’ve gotten a Sunday at home to relax after the blur that is Friday evening through Saturday night. It would be really nice to have a whole weekend at home, but Sunday… Read More
May Journal
May was an interesting whirlwind of activity. I kept much busier than I expected, probably due to the unexpected. We had a school board member in the town where I live – but, thankfully, not for the school my daughter attends – decide to unilaterally remove “controversial” books from the shelves of the middle and high school libraries. It’s easy… Read More
April Journal
April ought to be when spring really sets in, and it sort of has… Cooler days have remained but everything is getting greener and greener. I’m grateful for the cool nights, because I sleep so much better when I’m not too warm. This month was busy, especially at the end. I helped out at the elementary school carnival and joined… Read More
March Journal
March has been a month of adaptation, after losing our eldest cat, Shiva, at the beginning of February. Kobold, our cat of 12 years, seems to be coming out of her shell. She is less shy and skittish as an only-cat, and now more vocal and affection-seeking. Sometimes, we have good-natured arguments about who gets to feed her, brush her,… Read More
January Journal
The new year is here and I started it off with a grand total of zero resolutions and goals. That isn’t normal for me, and I am perfectly okay with this. Of course, I’m planning and working on projects, and I do have book releases with hoped-for publication dates. However, I’m not putting any pressure on myself to accomplish much… Read More