Yesterday was 9/11, the anniversary of the attacks on our country that, for a brief time, kind of, sort of, united some people in the U.S. This post will publish after I speak at the Plattsmouth School District Board Meeting about these very same thoughts. However, the public speaking forum is limited to 3 minutes there, so this is my… Read More
Being in a Triad
A lot of people think being in a triad (or throuple, as some folks call it) must be hot. Like, super, scorching hot. And it is incredibly hot… but not for the reasons you might think. First of all, I’m not going to talk about my sex life, so no worries (but, yes, I’m happier than I’ve ever been with… Read More
Gratitude: 2020 Edition
It’s been a hell of a year for most people and I am well-aware that we lucked out in our household. We have a roof over our heads, income, food, and the ability to meet our needs. Not everyone can say that. There are certainly things we’ve personally lost, not to mention the greater losses that touched most of us… Read More
Our Meal Plan
Right? RIGHT?! This has been me for my entire adulthood. At least, until last year when my husband and I finally decided to get a handle on meal-planning. If you’re the same way, flailing at the grocery store or home about what to eat, here is one way to make it much easier. Create a Spreadsheet We created a spreadsheet… Read More
Releasing (or the night Daniel saved me from prom)
Blame the New Year, blame 2020, blame the eclipses, but here’s the truth: it’s not them, it’s me. And I realized I tried to do and be too much last year. Late last year, I started getting headaches, something I don’t generally suffer from. I had more sleepless nights than ever, and I lost about 10 pounds because… Well, I… Read More
Many Things & Not Enough
So I need to write this now or forget entirely. Though there is no forgetting how remiss I’ve been in giving my blog love. I have this beautiful website and haven’t posted in an age. Not that it matters to anyone but me, but I do like sharing, especially when it comes to genealogy and witchcraft. It needs to happen more… Read More